{% extends "public/content.html" %}
{% load url from future %}
{% block headtitle %}My Abstract Submissions{% endblock %}
{% block left_content %}
{% include "members/partials/locker-tabs.html" with active_tab="abstract-submissions" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block title %}
Viewing Submission
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
General Details
Name: |
{{ abstract_submission.given_name }} {{ abstract_submission.surname }} |
Email Address: |
{{ abstract_submission.email }} |
Telephone: |
{{ abstract_submission.telephone }} |
Type of Submission |
{{ abstract_submission.content_type }} |
Submission Details
Title: |
{{ abstract_submission.abstract_title }} |
Category: |
{{ abstract_submission.abstract_category }} |
{% if abstract_submission.get_authors %}
{% for author in abstract_submission.get_authors %}
Name: |
{{ author.name }} |
Status: |
{{ author.get_status_display }} |
Institution: |
{{ author.institution }} |
Email: |
{{ author.email }} |
Telephone: |
{{ author.telephone }} |
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Abstract Details
{{ abstract_submission.abstract_content|linebreaks }}
{% if abstract_submission.get_files %}
Accompanying Files
{% endif %}
{% if abstract_submission.status == 'approved' %}
{% if abstract_submission.paid %}
You have sucesfully paid for this submission, if you register for the associated meeting, you will receive discount on your booking.
{% else %}
Complete your Submission
Your Abstract Submission has been approved, please click the link below to enter your details and be approved for payment
Pay for Submission
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Back to all Submissions
{% endblock %}