{% extends "public/content.html" %} {% load staticfiles %} {% block headtitle %}Review Abstract Submission{% endblock %} {% block left_content %} {% include "members/partials/locker-tabs.html" with active_tab="abstract_reviews" %} {% endblock %} {% block headscript %} {% endblock %} {% block title %}

Review Completed

{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Many thanks, you have successfully completed your review for submission {{ content_review.content_submission.unique_code }}.

{% if next_review %}

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{% endif %} {% if abstract_reviews %}

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{% for review in abstract_reviews %} {% endfor %}
Code Date Type Category Status
{% if not review.reviewed %} {{ review.content_submission.unique_code }} {% else %} {{ review.content_submission.unique_code }} {% endif %} {{ review.created|date:"d/m/Y H:i"}} {{ review.content_submission.content_type }} {{ review.content_submission.abstract_category }} {{ review.reviewed|yesno:"Reviewed,Pending" }} {% if not review.reviewed %} Review {% endif %}

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{% endif %} {% endblock %}