{% extends "public/content.html" %} {% block headtitle %}My Membership{% endblock %} {% block title %}

Membership Payment

{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% if member.donation_amount %}

Registration fee - £{{ member.get_registration_fee|floatformat:2 }}

Donation - £{{ member.donation_amount|floatformat:2 }}

{% endif %}

Total to Pay - £{{ total|floatformat:2 }}

{% if content_block %} {{ content_block.content|safe }} {% else %}

If you are happy with the above amount please click the link to our secure PayPal account and complete the details of the card you intend to use to make payment. A receipt will be issued to you once payment has been received.

If you choose to pay by direct debit, you do not need to do anything; your payment will be taken by the BMUS at the appropriate date for your membership.

{% endif %}
{% if not member.member_type.direct_debit_only %}
{{ paypal_form.render }}
{% endif %} {% if not member.member_type.direct_debit_only %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}