{% extends "public/content.html" %} {% block headtitle %}Payment | {{ meeting }}{% endblock %} {% block left_content %}

Meeting Registration

{% endblock %} {% block title %}

{{ meeting.name }}

{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Your booking information has been saved, please review the information below and confirm your booking.

Personal Details

{{ meeting_booking.title }}
{{ meeting_booking.given_name }} {{ meeting_booking.surname }}
Email Address
{{ meeting_booking.email_address }}
{% if meeting.euro_booking %}

Change Currency

Your payment will be made in {% if meeting_booking.currency == 'EUR' %}Euros{% else %}Pounds{% endif %}, if you wish to change this, please choose from the options below.

{% csrf_token %} {% include "public/partials/form.html" with form=change_currency_form %}
{% endif %}

Registration Fee: {{ meeting_booking.type.name }} {% if not meeting_booking_days %} ({% if meeting_booking.currency == "EUR" %}€{% else %}£{% endif %}{{ meeting_booking.type_price|floatformat:2}}){% endif %}

{% if meeting_booking_days %}


{% endif %} {% if social_events %}

Social Events

{% endif %}

Update Registration

{% if meeting.get_sessions %} {% if sessions %}

Attending Sessions

{% endif %}

Update Session Attendance

{% endif %} {% if meeting_booking.get_total > 0 %}

To pay for the meeting registration you can either pay via a credit card or the we can invoice you. Please select an option below.

{{ paypal_form.render }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}